torsdag 8. juli 2010

onsdag 7. juli 2010

Modeling fase TWO

I was told that mine model looked like a ziggurat. Well the shape of the Skenderija center was inspired by the famous Japanese architect Kenzo Tange. The fase of modeling things in 3d have already started. the phase one is building physical model, scale 1:200. Here comes firs picture of 3d model. The model is of existing structure, mine interventions are still under production. Many things to settle, but things are taking shape.

søndag 4. juli 2010

Process with the master plan


Seeking inspiration I came across these project on the net. One of them is done by a Brazilian architect which I have posted before (Lina Bo Bardi).

Meydan Shopping,
center with green roof in Istanbul. The center Meydan was designed by Foreign Office Architects, of London. The center includes other very significant green features, specifically, air conditioning provided by a geothermal plant and skylights to provide natural lighting to the concourse walkways and retail stores.

Inspiration of using the existing structure. A park with an arresting history as the grounds of a notorious prison, with leftover structures still standing. Made by architect Gian Carlo Gasperini from Brazil. The Parque da Juventude (“Park of Youth”)

SESC Pompeia

SESC Pompeia is a project from architect Lina Bo Bardi in Sao Paulo. This project reminded me what I was doing in Sarajevo, TRANSFORMING an existing structure to new use and create possible solutions. Its great project from Brazilian architect, with use of rough concrete.

tirsdag 22. juni 2010

I was given the name of this architect (Lina Bo Bardi) from my tutor Cecilie, thanks! I see similarities with
the building on the clip and Skenderija. Enjoy the clip! Now its time to sleep..

I have given my self a new task! Its to draw the sections shown in plan (until tomorrow) to understand the relation between spaces. The sections are selected on background of the "game-table". I have been working in plan for quite some time, the sections will (I hope) move me towards new direction.
More work in sections

The fact is that my center is stretching over 2 levels which can be difficult to understand. Whats under/over?
So my next step is to work a lot more in sections, to show the qualities inside/outside. People are using the space inside, but its space with limited light conditions and bad air qualities. But still it "plastic-fantastic" and in this matter its a good thing, but what will happen if the inside is switched with outside? Which qualities are to be gained? Point A is outdoor situation (green area) behind the center. Its setting with landscape, street and possibilities to connect the rest of the center with the green area (the noise level is reduced from the front). Point B is the inside situation, with shopping, cafe during the day.

4 vs 1

I am questioning the location of existing entrances. Are they visible enough? Do I need all four? Can entrance be something else, lift, elevator, bigger, smaller ect.. The sketch is trying to show the situation with one big entrance to the center. It will circulate the movement inside the center, but it will not have connection with the surroundings. But four entrances, maybe relocated, can give new movement in between. It can generate new actions/spaces and have bigger potential to include the surroundings and areas around center.
Entrances today
NEW FIELDS OF game-table

mandag 21. juni 2010

Game table is done

Finally, after third attempt to create a "game-table" that will help me understand the working situation better, I have now made a more logical plan how to make a register area of what are qualities and what can be changed. The first attempts were too complicated for me to work on them, because fields were divided more in a diagonal way, not following the structure or existing buildings. But this new method made me understand some analyses better, after all my site is mega-structure with potential to be transformed.

The sketch above is to remember my self in which direction my diploma is going and what i am working on. Its easy to think that that you are will solve all the "challenges" at the site, but that seems to be utopic. After confrontation yesterday it was good to know that i am moving in the right direction. Some of the issues my diploma is dealing with is situations inside/outside of my center. What will generate more action inside? Whats good qualities inside? I have decided to keep two existing building as landmark in Sarajevo (services are culture and sport/basket), I would call it nostalgic architecture because it have symbolic value for the area and the city . Sal=hall 1 and sal 2 on the sketch are offering sports. Sal 1 is also exhibition space. How to use one hall for sport and other for new program? (Break up old structure) New parking space or vertical mix use space?

tirsdag 15. juni 2010


After the last confrontation its been happening at lot. I have started to break up the old structure and define the program (new sketches will be shown soon). I am looking at space with different levels and services. I have a feeling that center Skenderija is now looking like a mutation of different spaces and qualities. How can I show that and create new structure?

mandag 31. mai 2010

l After last productive session in group-work on Friday, with tutors Arild Waage and Camilla Ryhl, my process is heading to a program. Here are some key notes which will provide the next step of choosing the final situations.


fredag 28. mai 2010


The strong sens of history in the surroundings of Skenderija center is deeply rooted in styles and sensibilities of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Since Sarajevo is under post war building and rebuilding, the sense of tradition is challenged by new and modern styles. Intention is to find approach where old characteristic are maintained, but supplemented by more current attributes. Looking towards the small spaces and voids where new situations can appear and town centers can adopt the village aesthetic along the MAHALA front enhance public utility. MAHALA fronts will also be developed more fully to encourage both private and public spaces.

Todays city situation is no longer a traditional single use of space. It´s a process happening on a global scale, were city is fading into multiple landscapes. New city spaces can be seen as urban paths and networks were city erupts in a heterogeneous land, a network of linked realities.

MAHALA (a way of connecting the realities)
Some aspects of Mahala:
- vertical space (only minaret on a mousque)
- local bakery
- lane with two rows of gates
The Mahaka is the street that leads from business part of the city to the residential area. The houses were arranged in zigzag patterns so that each of them commanded vista of the Mahala and the busines area.
Mahala = Neighbourhood Unit
As soon as 40/50 houses and a mousque were erected along the road, the settlement become a Mahala. History says that Sarajevo developed from 99 Mahalas and 99 Mosques.


The models of investigation of the different layers, the movement between levels will be further investigation in the following steps.

tirsdag 25. mai 2010

Invasion of public space

It´s not only the new public spaces that I´am seeking for in my project. It´s about finding new way of showing the existing qualities. The pictures show projects done by Dutch artist, Hens Hofstra. His work is done in existing public space. The blue painted road features the phrase "Water is Life" written in eight-meter-high letters across it. The Blue Road is reminiscent of the waterway that used to be where the road is now. It's a memorial to nature, but it's also just plain awe-inspiring.
The sound is blasting

The great power of sound is blasting. The experiment of sound can be created to spread the music or the message...
See/hear the clip her...

What makes a biopolitical space?

"Hva er byrommets politiske dimensjon? Noe grunnleggende har skjedd i byen, noe forflyttet seg og organiserte seg i byen, man har sett det tydelig i forstedene, sier den italienske filosofen Antoni Negri i dette intervjuet med arkitektene og byøkologene Constantin Petcou og Doina Petrescu. Ifølge Negri begynner vi å se konturene av en ny generasjon som har oppdaget politikken utenfor partilokalene, og ser på byen som politikkens åsted."

This is article based on a interview with architects and city researches, Constantin Petcou and Doina Petrescu. It´s great reading material. It helped me put some thing in perspective. City is here, it´s time to take it.

mandag 24. mai 2010

Play 0f Structure_1
Last night tests were focused on existing structure. Or the extension of old structure to new.

lørdag 22. mai 2010

The street called Vilsonovo setaliste is popular walking and recreation space in the city of Sarajevo. The street is open for cars durin the week until 17 p.m. But from Friday 17. p.m. to Monday morning is car free zone and it´s open for public. Street follows the river Miljacka which is running through town. A great way to use the city-space. I rented a bike and went on the excursion!
Government plan

Reading about future plans and future development for Sarajevo, I came across things needed to be improved in center area, according to local government. The land movement around Sarajevo hills is old phenomenon since Sarajevo lies in a wally. All together there are 729 registered land movement ( such as small landslides) in Sarajevo district, where approximately 300 are active. Second subject on government plan is to build more kindergartens in part of the center which is next to Skenderija, called Souk Bunar. Government third issue is how to deal with parking problem in the city?

With population of 400.219 there is approximately 2,1 car per person in Sarajevo.

Sarajevo´s population has highest density in the old part of the town, but the largest area where people live is on the outskirts (shown as Novo Sarajevo). The center Skenderija is situated in the one of the fastest growing parts of the town with 71.000 inhabitants. Government expects that population picture in Sarajevo in 2023 will be with population of 18% between age 0-14, 61% between age 15-64 (working group in society) and 20,6% older than 65.

Statistic:All the parts of Sarajevo and amount of inhabitants. Divided in age.

After visiting my site in Sarajevo last three weeks, I´ve used some time to get the overview of gathered material. It´s time to clean up and create the hierarchy! Since this would be my only visit to the site, I was ready to collect as much knowledge and information as possible. The terrible complicity between the time and creativity was my main enemy during the visit. Who to ask for information? Where to seek for site plans? And how to select conditions of my visit. I was grateful for having my camera. Spontaneously it became natural to take pictures and use it as my tool for observation.

onsdag 19. mai 2010

Destructive introduction
After a long day of selecting and making panorama pictures from my visit to Sarajevo I´am of to bed. Finishing with style,with a piece of art.
The main objectiv here isn`t only to ask where and what, but to seek new and unseen spaces around my site. The work of potentional futures is to show my movement during registration in Sarajevo around my site and offer the opportunities to the next step: understand city functions - understand study area and seek to the program.

fredag 30. april 2010


I´ve been trying to get the approval from Skendrija administration to shoot some overview photos. After giving my identification,telephone number,street address,social status, social background and after saying that I´ am a friendly student working on my diploma, I finally got the green light: I´am king of the hill. At least for 79 minutes. I took 560 pictures all together. Now it´s time to put them together and start looking and seeing..
Here are first panorama shots. Skenderija, open air-public space and street circulation in front.

While talking to my tutor 2 weeks ago, before my trip to the site, she sad; map everything!! See everything, sketch everything and note everything. Well i did that, at least kind of. To understand my analysis I made my mapping-structure.
(reason some technical challenges, here comes pictures of my sketch book)

City functions-What-Where??

The last days in Sarajevo have been interesting and exhausting. Some key-words for last days registrations: movement, city functions, landscape and overview.

The structure for further registrations/analyses:

Phase 1: Mapping
Phase 2: Sketching
Phase 3: Photography
Phase 4: One on One

mandag 26. april 2010

Walking last Friday from the city center to School of Architecture, I found my self standing in the middle of the demonstration. I was witness to scene werepeople was running from tear-gas, police barracks in flames and sirens from the ambulance. I found out later that it was a demonstration against the politicians and their high-paid positions ..
Keep those inherited (public) spaces alive
Ovo je komad teksta iz Orisa o arhitektu Borisu Podrecca, koji rad idosta rehabilitacija javnig mjesta, izmedju ostalog i strosmayerov park u Splitu.

This is a part from text in a magazine, it´s about Boris Podrecca, a Slovene architect, working with restoration of the public space.

"At the time of the ”new economy”, with growing privatization and decreasing state investment in public space, city-planning is vanishing and the ideologists of the “generic city” are very well integrated into processes of maximizing profits.

Nevertheless, old European city-cores are still holding their own, even if for them means becoming less attractive for investors. Boris Podrecca’s intension in designing piazzas and promenades is “guerilla fight to somehow keep those inherited (public) spaces alive”.

Of course, this is not about historical reconstruction, but rather about the revitalization and rebuilding of often neglected and forgotten spaces. This revitalization is almost always linked to a tale about the history of a place, to particularities of the ambiance and architecture, where “looking” – visual perception – is an important criteria of feeling-well in the new space. The architect uses all the possibilities of rythmifisation, juxtaposition, and of tactile or even auditory sensation, because: “I cannot reduce myself to elegant Minimalist or tidy Protestant. I carry my multiplicity with me. It’s not easy to tame galloping horses.”

ORIS VI-27-04,