mandag 21. juni 2010

Game table is done

Finally, after third attempt to create a "game-table" that will help me understand the working situation better, I have now made a more logical plan how to make a register area of what are qualities and what can be changed. The first attempts were too complicated for me to work on them, because fields were divided more in a diagonal way, not following the structure or existing buildings. But this new method made me understand some analyses better, after all my site is mega-structure with potential to be transformed.

The sketch above is to remember my self in which direction my diploma is going and what i am working on. Its easy to think that that you are will solve all the "challenges" at the site, but that seems to be utopic. After confrontation yesterday it was good to know that i am moving in the right direction. Some of the issues my diploma is dealing with is situations inside/outside of my center. What will generate more action inside? Whats good qualities inside? I have decided to keep two existing building as landmark in Sarajevo (services are culture and sport/basket), I would call it nostalgic architecture because it have symbolic value for the area and the city . Sal=hall 1 and sal 2 on the sketch are offering sports. Sal 1 is also exhibition space. How to use one hall for sport and other for new program? (Break up old structure) New parking space or vertical mix use space?