fredag 30. april 2010


I´ve been trying to get the approval from Skendrija administration to shoot some overview photos. After giving my identification,telephone number,street address,social status, social background and after saying that I´ am a friendly student working on my diploma, I finally got the green light: I´am king of the hill. At least for 79 minutes. I took 560 pictures all together. Now it´s time to put them together and start looking and seeing..
Here are first panorama shots. Skenderija, open air-public space and street circulation in front.

While talking to my tutor 2 weeks ago, before my trip to the site, she sad; map everything!! See everything, sketch everything and note everything. Well i did that, at least kind of. To understand my analysis I made my mapping-structure.
(reason some technical challenges, here comes pictures of my sketch book)

City functions-What-Where??

The last days in Sarajevo have been interesting and exhausting. Some key-words for last days registrations: movement, city functions, landscape and overview.

The structure for further registrations/analyses:

Phase 1: Mapping
Phase 2: Sketching
Phase 3: Photography
Phase 4: One on One

mandag 26. april 2010

Walking last Friday from the city center to School of Architecture, I found my self standing in the middle of the demonstration. I was witness to scene werepeople was running from tear-gas, police barracks in flames and sirens from the ambulance. I found out later that it was a demonstration against the politicians and their high-paid positions ..
Keep those inherited (public) spaces alive
Ovo je komad teksta iz Orisa o arhitektu Borisu Podrecca, koji rad idosta rehabilitacija javnig mjesta, izmedju ostalog i strosmayerov park u Splitu.

This is a part from text in a magazine, it´s about Boris Podrecca, a Slovene architect, working with restoration of the public space.

"At the time of the ”new economy”, with growing privatization and decreasing state investment in public space, city-planning is vanishing and the ideologists of the “generic city” are very well integrated into processes of maximizing profits.

Nevertheless, old European city-cores are still holding their own, even if for them means becoming less attractive for investors. Boris Podrecca’s intension in designing piazzas and promenades is “guerilla fight to somehow keep those inherited (public) spaces alive”.

Of course, this is not about historical reconstruction, but rather about the revitalization and rebuilding of often neglected and forgotten spaces. This revitalization is almost always linked to a tale about the history of a place, to particularities of the ambiance and architecture, where “looking” – visual perception – is an important criteria of feeling-well in the new space. The architect uses all the possibilities of rythmifisation, juxtaposition, and of tactile or even auditory sensation, because: “I cannot reduce myself to elegant Minimalist or tidy Protestant. I carry my multiplicity with me. It’s not easy to tame galloping horses.”

ORIS VI-27-04,

tirsdag 20. april 2010

Uncertain Encounters in Urban Space.
Because Uncertainty Creates Possibilities..

Hvordan endre en struktur?

*tanke: plassen

Hva er Skenderija? Hva er det som gir et området identitet? Hvordan fungerer det? Er det knyttet til fortid eller framtid? Tanker eller minner?


Skenderija er navnet til et senter i sentrum av Sarajevo. Senteret ble bygget i

1969. Det er et området som fungerer som knutepunkt for kultur som identitet i byen. Senteret kan også anses som viktig punkt for stedsutvikling for området rundt senteret. I dag går det an å se spor av fortiden som gjenspeiler seg i arkitekturen, noe som kan minne om at denne plassen var et viktig sosialt arena i byen.


Etter borgerkrigen i Bosnia mellom 1992-1995 ble politikken og økonomien

endret. Det førte til privatisering av eiendommer i sentrum. I dag eies 96% av

alle bygg i sentrum av private aktører. Dette fører også til at utbyggingen og

forbedringen av det offentlige rom blir redusert. Det er en økning i de private og

nedgange i de offentlige prosjekter. Parker, lekeplasser nye offentlige rom blir

nedprioritert til fordel for butikker, kafeer, casinoer, spillehaller og frisørsalonger...

tanke: konsept

Jeg ønsker å utforske identitetsspørsmålet rundt et historisk senter som

Skenderija, der jeg setter spørsmålstegn hvilket betydning har et området med

historisk kvalitet for byen og offentlig rom i dag? Er det eksisterende rommet og

programmet fungerende? I hvor stor grad kan et senter endre sitt program til å bli

til element som knytter sentrum. Er det tilsvarende rom i

byen? Jeg spør også hva som defineres som storplasser, åpne rom og i hvilken grad

er offentlige plasser brukt (Sarajevo sentrum)?

Seckond Confrontation: Placemaking

On our seckond confrontation we were working in groups. The theme in my group was PLACEMAKING. This was a great opportunity for students to work together and explain their work and project through drawing tasks.
Here are some key points for my project after working sessions with tutors Sverre Sondresen (APP) and Trudi Jaeger (DAV);

- urban space
- Uncertain encounters
- voids
- green spaces

mandag 19. april 2010

Scen Scenderija!

First day of research: After visiting today the School of Architecture in Sarajevo I came across this book about the area I am working with. The woman at the library helped me to scan the material (thanks)! Information and pictures in the book made me understand more about the area and the background of this historical site in Sarajevo. The text is only in Bosnian, but I will try to translate it soon...

Some key words:

- Modern Architecture
- Olympic Center
- New public space
- Cultural and sports center
- Trade center
- International recognition

Watch slides of old program from center Skenderija
View more presentations from Zlatan Dikic.

Sos ant zlatan dikic