tirsdag 25. mai 2010

Invasion of public space

It´s not only the new public spaces that I´am seeking for in my project. It´s about finding new way of showing the existing qualities. The pictures show projects done by Dutch artist, Hens Hofstra. His work is done in existing public space. The blue painted road features the phrase "Water is Life" written in eight-meter-high letters across it. The Blue Road is reminiscent of the waterway that used to be where the road is now. It's a memorial to nature, but it's also just plain awe-inspiring.
The sound is blasting

The great power of sound is blasting. The experiment of sound can be created to spread the music or the message...
See/hear the clip her...

What makes a biopolitical space?

"Hva er byrommets politiske dimensjon? Noe grunnleggende har skjedd i byen, noe forflyttet seg og organiserte seg i byen, man har sett det tydelig i forstedene, sier den italienske filosofen Antoni Negri i dette intervjuet med arkitektene og byøkologene Constantin Petcou og Doina Petrescu. Ifølge Negri begynner vi å se konturene av en ny generasjon som har oppdaget politikken utenfor partilokalene, og ser på byen som politikkens åsted."

This is article based on a interview with architects and city researches, Constantin Petcou and Doina Petrescu. It´s great reading material. It helped me put some thing in perspective. City is here, it´s time to take it.