mandag 26. april 2010

Walking last Friday from the city center to School of Architecture, I found my self standing in the middle of the demonstration. I was witness to scene werepeople was running from tear-gas, police barracks in flames and sirens from the ambulance. I found out later that it was a demonstration against the politicians and their high-paid positions ..
Keep those inherited (public) spaces alive
Ovo je komad teksta iz Orisa o arhitektu Borisu Podrecca, koji rad idosta rehabilitacija javnig mjesta, izmedju ostalog i strosmayerov park u Splitu.

This is a part from text in a magazine, it´s about Boris Podrecca, a Slovene architect, working with restoration of the public space.

"At the time of the ”new economy”, with growing privatization and decreasing state investment in public space, city-planning is vanishing and the ideologists of the “generic city” are very well integrated into processes of maximizing profits.

Nevertheless, old European city-cores are still holding their own, even if for them means becoming less attractive for investors. Boris Podrecca’s intension in designing piazzas and promenades is “guerilla fight to somehow keep those inherited (public) spaces alive”.

Of course, this is not about historical reconstruction, but rather about the revitalization and rebuilding of often neglected and forgotten spaces. This revitalization is almost always linked to a tale about the history of a place, to particularities of the ambiance and architecture, where “looking” – visual perception – is an important criteria of feeling-well in the new space. The architect uses all the possibilities of rythmifisation, juxtaposition, and of tactile or even auditory sensation, because: “I cannot reduce myself to elegant Minimalist or tidy Protestant. I carry my multiplicity with me. It’s not easy to tame galloping horses.”

ORIS VI-27-04,